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Fitness | Function |TRansformation

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Get ready to build the body of your dreams

At Built Fitness, I fuse strength training with functional movement patterns, putting a strong focus on the psychological aspect of conquering mental barriers in exercise and nutrition. My goal is to instill long-lasting, sustainable change, guiding you towards a transformative experience that goes beyond the physical.

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Client results




Weight Loss, Weight Gain, Body Recomposition, Functional Movement, Athleticism

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Powered by Trainerize the # 1 coaching app for clients

Your personalized coach is now in your pocket

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Personalized Training Plan + Progress Tracking

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Craft your fitness journey with workouts tailored exclusively for you. The app's progress tracker keeps you informed, ensuring every session propels you toward your goals.

Custom Meal Guide + Food Log


Simplify nutrition with a personalized meal guide. The app curates delicious, tailored meals to match your preferences. Keep tabs on your intake effortlessly with the user-friendly food log. Explore a range of recipes, and with the added flexibility of meal swapping, enjoy a personalized and satisfying nutrition journey




Get continuous guidance and motivation through the app. Enjoy 24/7 messaging access for all your questions and needs. Track your workouts, earn badges, create and monitor goals and habits.

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Meet Your Coach

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Kayla Best

Certified Personal Trainer

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“As your coach, I'm fully committed to strength and resistance training, guiding you through functional movement patterns to build muscle, increase endurance, and help you feel and look your best. My passion for the psychology of fitness and nutrition means we'll work together to make lasting changes that seamlessly fit into your lifestyle, ensuring long-term results.”

Based in Michigan, I'm a former collegiate athlete driven by a passion to help others become the best version of themselves. My journey was sparked by a desire to be a catalyst for change in my culture and community. After my volleyball days ended, I felt lost, lacking direction, and simply going through the motions. My mental health declined, I gained a considerable amount of fat, and my overall well-being was deteriorating. Reigniting my love for weightlifting in 2018 became a turning point, fueling my journey to self-improvement.

Since then, I've continuously expanded my knowledge on physique transformation through the use of proper nutrition, strength and resistance training, and improving functional movement patterns. Struggling with personal insecurities throughout my life, I realized that changing my body required more than just physical effort—it demanded a shift in mindset and behavior.

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I cultivated a positive relationship with food, abandoning restrictive dieting for balanced, healthy eating. Through this journey, I realized the importance of personal accountability and noticed an opportunity to enhance my prioritization and time management skills. Recognizing this, I honed my ability to focus on what truly matters.

Now, as a certified personal trainer, I guide clients in uncovering their own barriers to personal success, emphasizing a comprehensive approach to transformation of both body and mind.

Why do I need a coach?

Do you struggle with consistency?

Do you wish you had someone to help hold you accountable?

Do you want to develop a positive relationship with food to promote a healthy balanced diet?

Do you want to enhance your daily movement and mobility?

Are you tired of looking in the mirror and not liking what you see?

Are you ready overcome negative, self-sabotaging habits, and replace them with positive behavior patterns that promote long-lasting change?

If you answered YES to any of those questions, it’s time for you to become apart of the team!

If you answered YES to any of those questions, it’s time for you to become apart of the team!

Client Testimonials

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“Working with Kayla has been amazing. She's shown me how to enjoy my favorite foods guilt-free by focusing on balance and mindfulness. It's been a game-changer for my relationship with food.”

K. S.

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“Girl I want to thank you! I’ve been wanting to get active for so long, but I thought it was impossible for me. I was always waiting for motivation that never came. When you told me the formula was consistency over motivation, it instantly clicked! Now I’m seeing changes in my body! I’m so glad I got to meet you!”

M. B.

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“I really like the workouts! They are tough but I feel so accomplished after finishing them. I love the no guess work when going to the gym, it really helps to ease my anxiety around going…”

B. L.

ARe you ready to take the next step?

Click below to apply for online coaching!

3, 6, & 12 month packages

Custom workouts

custom meal guide

payment plans

pay in full discounts

3, 6, & 12 month packages

Custom workouts

custom meal guide

payment plans

pay in full discounts